Report a maskware
Let us know if you installed and seen maskware app. You can report both iOS and Android apps
WHO is behind ARM17?
We are a group of cybersecurity professionals who want to apply their experience in order to fight with illegal smartphone applications, including "maskware" apps. Security teams of app stores are not catching up with the activities of cybercriminals who are finding more ways to obscure restrictions and promote illegal products and activities. We want to create a safer environment for every smartphone user, and that's why we started our fight with maskware apps.
WHAT is a "MASKWARE" app?
These apps mask as legitimate applications or games to pass app stores moderation. Cloaking is used to hide the WebView component. Once app store moderator approves the app, cyber criminals start driving traffic from Facebook, Google Adwords, In-app networks, and other traffic sources to the illegal affiliate offers inside the app.
The types of the affiliate offers include, but not be limited to:
- Gambling
- Betting
- Adult dating
- Crypto/binary options
- Money scam offers
These offers essentially cause a financial loss for end-users. In many cases, they are also targeting kids and teenagers who use smartphones frequently. Maskware apps are nothing more than scam offers inside the webview component. These apps do not have any useful functionality. They have cloaking, push-notifications, spam, and link tracking to find out how the paid traffic is performing.
We suggest the following definition:
Maskware app is a software application that is specially developed for the promotion of the illegal services of software. It hides the basic features and provides a traffic tracking sent by cybercriminals to the listings of these apps in the App Stores.
We are the only professional cybersecurity team that is tackling maskware issue. While major antivirus companies fight with viruses, MILLIONS of people lose BILLIONS of dollars on scam offers that reside in the official Google and Apple app stores.
The potential threat and damage from computer viruses significantly dropped due to the security improvements of browsers and operating systems. We are confident that maskware apps cause more financial losses for the end-users compared to damage from classic viruses.
Our expert team uses the combination of in-house tools and frameworks, such as unique deep learning algorithms, forensics research, analysis of Internet traffic, and meticulous data gathering of the illegal scam offers available from various sources.
Cybercriminals can access this website, so we are not going to disclose more details. Any specific technical information can help our adversaries to create better maskware apps.
We are going to release app Android/iOS app that notifies a user about the installation of maskware app. In addition, we are planning to add crowdsecurity features. Stay tuned.